3D ARCHIVE オンラインチケット
盆瓦2024イベントをVRで体験! 3Dモデリングで再現された京都の美しい庭園や作品を、自宅でじっくり楽しめるオンラインチケットです。日中の展示に加え、幻想的な夜間特別バージョンも初公開。さらに、チケット購入者限定で、オンライン限定アイテムの先行販売や特別映像へのアクセスも。まるで会場にいるような特別な時間をお届けします。この機会に、唯一無二の「盆瓦」の世界を体感してください!
Experience the "Bon Kawara" event in VR! Immerse yourself in the beauty of Kyoto’s stunning gardens and artworks through meticulously crafted 3D modeling, all from the comfort of your home. Alongside the daytime exhibits, a captivating nighttime special edition will be exclusively unveiled. Plus, ticket holders gain access to online-exclusive items through pre-sales and special bonus content. Let us transport you to the one-of-a-kind world of "Bon Kawara" and enjoy an extraordinary experience like never before. Don’t miss this unique opportunity!
Experience the "Bon Kawara" event in VR! Immerse yourself in the beauty of Kyoto’s stunning gardens and artworks through meticulously crafted 3D modeling, all from the comfort of your home. Alongside the daytime exhibits, a captivating nighttime special edition will be exclusively unveiled. Plus, ticket holders gain access to online-exclusive items through pre-sales and special bonus content. Let us transport you to the one-of-a-kind world of "Bon Kawara" and enjoy an extraordinary experience like never before. Don’t miss this unique opportunity!